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Moder Jord tilbagetog
25 feb - 04 marts 2025. E arth l odge, Antigua, Guatemala .

Kom med et åbent hjerte eller kom og få dit hjerte åbnet

Hjertet er et helt særligt organ i menneskekroppen. Den har sit helt eget energifelt og den har celler, der svarer til hjerneceller. hjertet kan stadig slå, selvom hjernen dør. Der er et helt særligt sted i hjertet, som ingen kirurg kan eller skal røre ved, for hvis de gør det, dør vi. Det er fra dette sted, at alt liv kommer. og det er fra dette sted, vi vil dykke dybt ned i at huske, hvem vi virkelig er.



Jeg er dybt taknemmelig for at kunne invitere dig til This retreat i Guatemala i februar 2025.

Dette retreat vil føre dig dybt ind i dit hjerte gennem yoga, meditation og åndedrætsarbejde. ceremonielle ritualer, kakao og healing.

Vi vil arbejde med ceremoniel kakao direkte fra regnskoven og skabe en dyb forbindelse til naturen og moder jord.

Yogaen vil være støttende og transformerende Og den vil være en blanding af flydende og styrkende hatha yoga, Samt smeltende og smørende Yin Yoga. Udover yogaen vil vi også løsne og frigøre via bindevævsmassage, hvor vi med bolde masserer bindevævet og frigiver giftstoffer fra dybt under huden, og genopretter flow og balance.

vi vil have to dybe healingssessioner med åndedrætsterapi for at frigøre traumer, der er lagret dybt inde i kroppen og vævet.

for de eventyrlystne vil det være muligt at gå en halv dags vandretur på den aktive vulkan pacaya. mærke de gamle grunde brøle under vores fødder. Dette er virkelig en unik oplevelse.

der vil også være mulighed for at tage til det historiske marked i Chichicastenango. kendt som det mest farverige marked i Mellemamerika. Her rejser forskellige mayagrupper vidt omkring for at handle deres håndsåede tekstiler, keramik, traditionel medicin og meget mere. det er et meget speciel sted, og du vil helt sikkert kunne gøre en fantastisk handel.

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our accommodation will be at the beautiful and remote Earth Lodge retreat. Hidden away in the mountains of antigua. with a spectacular view over the volcanoes, where the treetop houses will be our homes for the week. It will be possible to choose between single cabins or shared accommodation. And there will also be the choice of a luxury earth dome cabin for those who need even more luxury.(please write me for pictures and prices of these) All rooms are with own little outdoor spaces and magnificent views and the grounds hold a sacred temscal and an ice bath for us to enjoy. it will be possible to book speciel treatments & massages both at the place and with me personally.    the food will be nourishing and freshly picked from the garden and bought at local markedets. all vegan and delicious.


prices will vary accordingly and spots are limited.          so dont wait to book your spot!


  Highlights included

* 5 Cacao Ceremonies

* learning about and from the cacao

* connecting to the land through sacred fire                   ceremony

* different Healing modalities

* daily transformative yoga classes

* Daily meditation and pranayama

* 2 deep healing breath therapy ceremonies

* connective tissue massage

* connecting to community

* themascal

* additional hike on pacaya

* additional trip to Chichicastenango marked

* additional private sessions

* additional ice bath


​​​A little bit about Cecilie Svendsen


I am a certified Keith Cacao Practitioner and I am an experienced yoga teacher with more than 900 hours of credited training in yoga and yoga therapy. I have thousands of hours of teaching experience and I have been hosting retreats for the past 11 years, all over the world. I have a warm and loving approach to my teachings and believe that everyone can enjoy and benefit from yoga, Cacao, meditation and the healing breath. I treat, among other things, stress and anxiety with Yoga therapy and energy healing, which I offer online and in private sessions.I will be offering sessions at the retreat.



we will be drinking a lot of keith's cacao.​​​

Keith's Cacao is 100% pure ceremonial organic cacao from the crioella trees only. Traded both fair and direct from farmers to Keiths taller.The cacao is a herbal medicine and is used for its phenomenal properties. It contains many minerals and antioxidants which are phenomenal for the body and the mind on all levels. from physical to spiritual. it is full of healing properties and contains  antioxidants that protect your cells against free radicals, serotonin which counteracts stress and dopamin which increases motivation and well being. It also has the highest contents of Magnesium seen in a contains Anandamid, which is also called the bliss molecule and along with Phenylethylamine, the love molecule it enhances our sense of love and well being and vibrates with the pure energy of the heart center.


full Program 


Tuesday 25th Feb

12.00 Arrival

15.00 Welcome Ceremony with mama Cacao

18.30 Dinner


Wednesday 26Th

07.30 - 09.30 Long Juicy morning Yoga practice + Meditation + Pranayama

10.00 Breakfast

16.00 Healing circle with mama Cacao

18.30 Dinner

20.00 Temazcal


Thursday 27th

07.30 - 09.30 Long Juicy morning Yoga practice + Meditation + Pranayama

10.00. Breakfast

14.00 Deep dive - Cacao ceremony and Breath therapy

17.30 Dinner

19.00 Fire ceremony with shaman


Friday 28th

07.30 - 09.00 morning Yin Yoga practice +        Meditation + Pranayama

09.00. Breakfast

10.00  Half day hike on volcano Pacaya

19.00 Dinner


Saturday 1st

07.30 - 09.30 Long Juicy morning Yoga practice + Meditation + Pranayama

10.00. Breakfast

16.30 Delicious connective tissue massage 

18.30 Dinner

20.00 Temazcal


Sunday 2nd

This is our day off where we will go on a group trip to the most amazing marked in Chichicastenango. Breakfast and dinner at the retreat place is included and we start the morning with yoga.


07.30 - 09.00 Juicy morning Yoga practice + Meditation + Pranayama

09.00. Breakfast

10.00 Leaving with the bus for Chichi Marked

17.00 leaving the marked and return to the retreat

19.00 Dinner


Monday 3rd

07.30 - 09.30 Long Juicy morning Yoga practice + Meditation + Pranayama

10.00. Breakfast

14.00 Deep dive - Cacao ceremony and Breath therapy

18.30 Dinner

20.00 Temazcal


Tuesday 4th

07.30 - 09.30 Long Juicy morning Yoga practice + Meditation + Pranayama

10.00. Breakfast

11.30 closing ceremony

13.00 Goodbye



Dette er et dybdegående og magisk healing retreat og intentionen med retreatet er at tilbyde et trygt og kærligt rum for healing og transformation, et sted hvor du kan finde tilbage til din egen magi, dit dit hjerte og din sjæl.


delt 3 personers værelse DKR 82 00 eller 1178 USD

delt 2 personers værelse dkr 8700 eller 1250 USD

privat værelse Dkr 10000 eller 1445 USD

Ved tilmelding reserverer vi din fulde betaling på dit visakort, gennem terapeut booking, men vi vil ikke debitere dig før retreaterne starter. Desværre kan vi ikke give penge tilbage, hvis du annullerer, af en eller anden grund.

Hvis yogabynatureretreats aflyser, får du fuld refusion.


Så længe der er plads.

Har du spørgsmål til retreatet eller ønsker du at tilmelde dig, så skriv til Cecilie Svendsen på

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